
Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Quartz worktops are unbeatable when it comes to strength, quality, durability, hygiene and appearance. The top quality quartz worktops such as Silestone, Ecostone, Compac and Technistone are manufactured from more than 90% natural quartz, an extremely hard and durable natural silicate material to emulate the appearance, weight and feel of natural quartz. Blended with polyester resins and colourants during a special vibro compaction process, these worktops are even stronger and more elastic than quarried quartz. Installed by one of our professional teams, you are guaranteed to have the best quality worktops to last you for a lifetime, at an affordable price.

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*Colours marked with an *asterisk are not recommended by the manufacturers or ourselves for applications where the surface is exposed to heavy use and contact eg. kitchens. Saturated and dark colours will show scratches, dust and other wear and tear more visibly than less saturated or lighter colours.